Meet the Traveling German at ITB

Hi there!

Thanks for your interest in Traveling German for the ITB Networking Session. As ITB only allows me to introduce myself and my blog in 400 characters, here’s a bit more about Traveling German and about me.

Introducing: the Traveling German

I’m a traveling German. Originally from the South of Germany (near Stuttgart) and currently based in Barcelona, Spain, I’m frequently on the road exploring the world. I share stories from my trips and practical advice other travelers will hopefully find useful. My travel style is best described as “luxury adventure travel”: I love to be outdoors exploring a destination – hiking, cycling, sailing or motorbiking – and snacking on local fare for lunch, but I also love finishing the day with a spa session or a cocktail at a beautiful hotel.

When I’m not out exploring, I’m a Marketing & Communications consultant, helping companies around the world grow and internationalize their business. I also do random things like teaching chocolate workshops for a local museum and organizing laser tag battles for a Meetup group in Barcelona. My special adventure travel “talents” and interests: horse riding, sailing (licensed to skipper yachts up to 24m), snorkeling, and cooking food from around the world.

Whilst the blog is written from my perspective, I typically travel together with my partner & photographer Adrian. Most of our readers travel as couples too. Travel experiences are just more memorable when shared!

Belmond La Residence Phu Vao Bicycles

Why I blog

I love to discover new things. Whether it’s flying to the other end of the world to discover ancient temple ruins in Cambodia or just finding a hidden little cafe two streets from my apartment in Barcelona, discovering something new gives me a thrill and a sense of adventure. Speaking of adventure, over the last few years of travel, I’ve gotten more and more into trying out new things. From kayaking through Laos and going on a weeklong motorbike tour in Vietnam, to learning how to fly in a Windtunnel near my home of Barcelona – I’ll try almost any adventure out there. My latest passion are water based activities. Kayaking, sailing, paddle boarding – I’m out on the water at least twice a week when I’m at home and often even more than that when I’m on the road.

Blogging is my way of sharing the stories of these adventures. I want to share my discoveries with others and inspire people to go out and discover the world themselves, next door or on the other side of the world.

What kind of posts do I share?

  • Stories from my travels, anything I find worth sharing because it’s inspiringfunny, scary, or all of the above
  • Adventure inspiration, sharing ideas of new things to try, for example on the Costa Brava in Spain or inVietnam
  • How-to posts that help other travellers and explorers go out there and experience the world. I especially try to share information that I was looking for before I set out but couldn’t find, like my post on How to get a Vietnam Visa in 2016
  • Stories about unique cultural aspects that I find inspiring or impressive, like the Castellers (human towers) of Catalunya
  • Anything and everything about food, because I’m obsessed, and who doesn’t like food?

Marketing Strategy

I’m a seasoned marketer with ten years of experience. I’ve written guest posts for industry publications like Tnooz and eHotelier and research papers for the Cornell Center of Hospitality Research Summit. I have worked with some of the largest hotel chains in the world on their marketing and online reputation projects. Aside from providing marketing consulting, I’ve also taught chocolate workshops at Barcelona’s Chocolate Museum and have a good understanding of Barcelona’s tourism sector. If you’re looking for help with your marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

The numbers

Traveling German currently has 6,000 page views per month. That number may not be huge, but 70% of our visitors are coming from organic Google searches, meaning the people reading our posts are actively searching for information for their upcoming travels. Additionally, I have around 7,000 social media followers, with a focus on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

My upcoming travels and how we can collaborate

I have several trips in the pipeline at the moment. For each of those, I will do quite a bit of research to find hotels, adventure activities and foodie experiences. If you think we may be a “match” (speaking in speed dating terms as ITB does!), please do get in touch! I am always looking for hotels, destinations and unique activity providers to work with. I write extensive reviews with lots of good quality photos and include them in my destination posts and social media coverage.

Next destinations (tentative):

  • Ireland (Killarney) for TBEX, October 2017
  • Singapore
  • Thailand (Phuket, Koh Lanta and surrounding areas; Bangkok)
  • Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Cameron Highlands, Taman Negara, Penang, Langkawi
  • Myanmar (Dawei, Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Inle Lake)
  • Spain: As I am based in Barcelona, I frequently travel around Spain, with a focus on Catalunya and the Baleares.

On all of the above trips, I will be traveling with my partner & photographer. I am available for fam trips to other destinations throughout the year as well. My top wish list right now: Japan, Maldives, French Polynesia.

Let’s collaborate!

I’d love to collaborate with you, whether it’s on a travel story or helping you with your marketing strategy. Don’t hesitate to get in touch! You can reach me via the ITB networking tool or at See you in Berlin?